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Lauding Lions

Welcome to our Lauding Lions for this year!! They have received their new ties at our End of Year Celebration Assembly.

The Lauding Lions have all been selected through an application and interview process. From September, they will meet regularly as a group with Mrs Smith and Mrs Pimblett. During the meetings they will discuss our school Catholic life and Mission and plan for various activities and acts of Worship. Our Lauding Lions will support the school in ensuring that our mission of “Learning and Growing as One Family through God’s Love.”

Each term, they will plan for the priorities which they will focus on. Some of the things they will do include:

  • Plan and lead Prayer and Liturgy
  • Support in assemblies
  • Say Prayers in worship
  • Lead and participate in Scripture focus groups
  • Plan sessions to deliver to younger children
  • Evaluate reflection areas
  • Share the Wednesday Word each week
  • Share prayers with the children at play times
  • Plan how to improve the reflection and prayer areas within the school

Lauding Lions Application Form

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