At St Leos and Southmead School we recognise the importance of the acquisition of spoken and written language within all children. Throughout English lessons we aim to support all children in widening their vocabulary, accessing language beyond that which they may use naturally. Through the use of high quality fiction and non-fiction texts, writing opportunities are given purpose and empower each child to discuss and write in a variety of contexts. Children are respected as an individual writer and encouraged to make individual choices to develop their own creativity when recording their thoughts and ideas. Regular practise of key writing skills develops each child’s confidence to apply skills in a range of situations. Daily opportunities are utilised to nurturing the whole child, developing both their confidence and competence to speak, listen, read and write.
We strive to deliver an engaging, exciting and empowering English curriculum which inspires an appreciation of our rich and varied literary heritage.
As a school, we believe through the provision of language rich opportunities children are inspired to become confident in the art of speaking, listening, reading and writing in a wide range of contexts across the curriculum. Thereby equipping each child will with the key skills to take an active role in society.
In St Leo’s and Southmead School we use the Ready, Steady, Write curriculum as the foundation of our book based curriculum delivering the English programmes of study for all learners from EYFS to Key Stage Two. By doing so it is our belief that all children will become confident, fluent readers and writers who are able to use the wide range of writing tools they have accessed and developed whilst on their writing journey with us. Throughout their journey each child’s progress is measured and assessed in relation to national age-related expectations. Progress is tracked and utilised by staff when planning to ensure each child is equipped with the literary skills to take an active role in modern day society.