Learning and Growing as One Family through God’s Love
“Though we are many, we are one body in union with Christ.”
Romans 12:5
Making Memories
Inclusive for All
Learning in Love
Young and Old Together

Aims and Objectives
Learning as One Family
- Offer an inclusive education for all
- Enable all to work together in order to succeed
- Celebrate the progress and achievements of all
- Deliver a broad and balanced knowledge and skills based curriculum
- Have high expectations for all within our school family
- Consistently deliver quality teaching and learning
- Give high priority to the teaching of basic skills in Maths and English
- Offer opportunities for learning outside of the classroom
- Raise awareness of opportunities for all in order to set high aspirations
- Seek the views of all stake holders
- Provide parents and carers with regular updates regarding their child’s progress
Growing as One Family
- Give opportunity for all to be positive role models
- Foster togetherness for our own school family and the wider Global Community
- Support personal, spiritual and emotional development
- Develop trusting and nurturing relationships
- Promote resilience for all
- Encourage teamwork, collaboration and co-operation
- Provide opportunities to make memories beyond the classroom door
- Deliver quality daily collective worship
- Support the Parish in preparing children for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
- Create an atmosphere of mutual respect, acceptance and forgiveness