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“Computing is really important because we learn about internet safety, but it will also help us with the jobs we want to do when we are older.”


At St Leo’s and Southmead we will equip children with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital world independently with confidence, safety and originality. We give them opportunities to explore, experiment and investigate devices and software allowing them to develop an individual understanding of how it works.. Computing is implemented through discrete and cross-curricular teaching, ensuring that content is relevant and purposeful, with the desire to develop and foster pupil’s love of the subject.

Through engaging in thoughtful and purposeful activities children are able to become digitally literate, and develop their problem solving skills that will enable them to become resilient in and out of the technological world.


At St Leo’s and Southmead we inspire curiosity by looking at how computing has influenced and changed the world around us. We research individuals who have been successful through the use of computing and keep it relevant to the children (Influencers, You Tubers, Game makers). The children are aware of the need for internet safety at a young age and this is built upon throughout their years in St Leo’s and Southmead. During ‘Ambition Week,’ children get to see how Children will have the opportunity to see how computing can be transferred into a career.

Through using a range of technology we ensure our children are inspired to practice the valuable skills that they learn throughout the computing curriculum.  


Computing is the way in which the world is accessed and life is lived, and is an integral part of all learning.  Through practical and meaningful real-life contexts, pupils learn a variety of transferable skills and have the opportunity to continually practise, apply and build upon previous learning.

Computing equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to become active, competent and responsible participants in a rich digital world. Our Computing curriculum provides opportunities for all pupils to become digitally literate, and to have the skills to express themselves and develop their ideas within a variety of contexts through digital technology.

Knowledge Organisers


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