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Year 5 Blog

Welcome to the Year 5 blog, we will post photographs of work completed each half term and keep you up to date with exciting events in class.

Summer term 2024


This half term the children have been looking at the topic of Transformation, they began the topic by exploring how energy can be transformed into electricity. They have looked at how the Holy Spirit can transform people’s lives and the conversion of Saul. The children have continued to plan and deliver collective worship, this half term we have looked at the fruit of the Holy Spirit, being thankful and thinking about those in need.


This half term, in addition to working on fractions, decimals and percentages, the children have been investigating, identifying and measuring angles. We went out onto the playground to reinforce the fact that angle measure the size of a turn.


In Science this term we are exploring forces. The children have really been testing their problem solving, collaborative and focus skills by experimenting to see if surface area affects air resistance, whether the mass of an object affects the gravitational force and the effect that friction has on objects. well done Year 5, future scientists in the making!


This term the children are developing their hand-eye co-ordinations skills. They are working on developing their control, forehand and backhand skills and control in tennis

Spring term 2024


This term the children have been focussing on God’s mission, Memorial Sacrifice and Sacrifice.

During the topic of Memorial Sacrifice children learnt about the Eucharist and how it reminds us of the Last Supper. The children acted out the last supper and performed it to the class. The children have been continuing to help to plan and deliver our collective worship


As part of our whole school approach to Catholic life, our children have taken part in the Big Lent Walk for Cafod and as part of our sustainability project, the children in Year 5 went on a litter pick and collected 2 and a half bags of litter from our school grounds


This half term in Science the children have been learning about Earth and Space, they have been discovering that the Earth and Moon are celestial bodies and the direction in which they orbit the sun. as part of this topic we were lucky enough to be able to visit Jodrell Bank.


This term the children are developing their skills of balance, control and co-ordination through dance and gymnastics. the children have shown fantastic originality and resilience! We have also been developing our mindfulness and flexibility through yoga and dance


year 5 are learning about rooms and objects around the house, Dans la maison. they have been practising their pronunciation, completing assignments on the Ipdas and playing snap games to develop their skills


This term the children have researched, designed and evaluated bird hides. They then make prototype models of theirs. They showed amazing originality, independence and problem solving skills.

1st Half Autumn term 2023


The children have been exploring and recognising Roman numerals, they correctly comprised the Roman numerals for given numbers and investigating the value of each digit in 6 digit numbers.


This half term the children are looking at properties and changes in materials.  They have been predicting which materials they think would dissolve to form a solution, they then conducted fair tests in order to prove or disprove their predictions and exploring a variety of ways to separate materials during reversible changes.


During the 1st week all of the children have been discussing refugees and displacement using the text Lily and the Polar bears. Year 5 have planned and written their own versions using endangered animals to represent the plight of refugees


The children have been exploring useful phrases, playing games and using the Ipads to practice their listening skills and knowledge of phrases.


This half term in P.E. the children are practising a variety of invasive and defensive manoeuvres through handball and hockey.  The children are doing fantastically with these and developing their competetive spirit.  They have demonstrated superb listening and dribbling skills.


The children explored how big North America is and then practised their map skills by locating the 23 countries of North America.


The children were investigating and celebrating their own unique talents and qualities, recognising that we are all made in God’s image.

The children have also been learning about Judaism and the significance of the Passover meal, the children examined a Seder plate, they learnt about the significance of the food served and made and tasted Charoset. The children have also continued to take an active role in our collective worship.


This half term, the children have been learning about World War 1 – which countries were involved, they have been investigating the events that led to the start of the War.


The children have been exploring pulse and beat within the genre of soft rock.

Summer Term 2024

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