“Art is wonderful at our school, we learn about different artists and create our own work based on them. I like it when we use paint and clay, these are my favourite materials”
Through art, children invite us into their thoughts by creatively communicating through pictures, drawing, painting, clay, etc. It is our role at St Leos and Southmead Primary School to provide children with an exciting themed curriculum, with rich exciting experiences, good-quality materials, and skills that will help them be lifelong learners and lifelong thinkers.
Who knows, your child could be a future Picasso, Paul Curtis or Henry Moore!!!!!!
Children should be encouraged to be thinkers and theorists, not merely learn to follow directions. Art provides a perfect startingpoint for exploring other countries, other cultures and making links to history.
As part of our cultural program and ambition week, children every year visit the city galleries, museums, exhibitions and meet people who have careers in art. The children have opportunities throughout the school year to work alongside artists through exhibitions, museums and have been involved in paper making, 3D art, animation and many more projects!!
Based on the children’s understanding and prior experiences of art in the knowledge cloud, we can prepare an exciting structured art program that encourages ambition, celebrates originality and allows for the sharing of children’s ideas and opinions as little artists on a journey through our school.
Important Documents
Knowledge Organisers
Year 1 Art Autumn Knowledge organiser Self Portraits
Year 1 Art Spring Knowledge organiser Weaving
Year 1 Art Summer Knowledge organiser Goldsworthy
Year 2 Art Autumn Knowledge organiser Lowry
Year 2 Art Spring Knowledge organiser Morris
Year 2 Art Summer Knowledge Organiser Hockney
Year 3 Art Autumn Knowledge organiser Picasso
Year 3 Art Spring Knowledge organiser Masks
Year 3 Art Summer Knowledge organiser Fabric
Year 4 Art Autumn Knowledge Organiser Roman Mosaic
Year 4 Art Spring Knowledge Organiser Paul Curtis
Year 4 Art Summer Knowledge Organiser Famous Buildings
Year 5 Art Autumn Knowledge organisers Cezanne
Year 5 Art Spring Knowledge Organiser Klee
Year 5 Art Summer Knowledge Organiser Talking Textiles
Year 6 ART Autumn Knowledge Organiser Spray that!
The Shakespeare Theatre

Ceramics In Year 4 Year 4 took part in a local project to make ceramics for a display in The Shakespeare Theatre in Prescot.